Casa do Cuidar is a civil, non-profit association that provides palliative care and home care for patients with diseases that threaten the continuity of life, seeking to relieve symptoms of discomfort and promote quality of life for these patients and their families.
Here are a few ways you can help our work:
Make a donation directly to our bank account
You can make any donation compatible with your possibilities directly in the bank accounts of Casa do Cuidar. Write down our data:
Itaú Bank deposit
Agência: 3010
Conta corrente: 04217-8
Titular: Casa do Cuidar
CNPJ: 08.765.286/0001-08
Número do banco: 341
International donations
Minimum amount: US$ 100,00
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP
Agency: 3010 / account: 04217-8
Owner: Casa do Cuidar
CNPJ: 08.765.286/0001-08
Become a member of Casa do Cuidar
Membership annual cost
R$ 210,00 / year
By becoming a contributing partner, you help maintain our projects, have preferential enrollment and a 20% discount on courses and lectures at Casa do Cuidar, in addition to other advantages in self-care and care of our partners.
Often, families that received support from Casa do Cuidar wish to contribute so that other patients and family members can benefit from this type of care.
In this sense, Casa do Cuidar accepts donations of materials and equipment in good condition, as well as cash donations. This is an opportunity for you to join our cause and help care for those in need.
Please contact [email protected] to schedule the delivery of donations.
Companies can also help
Understand the donations made to OSCIP, and the tax deduction basis
1. Concept
1.1. With the objective of extending the OSCIPs – Civil Society Organizations of Public Interest, the benefits already conferred on non-profit entities of public interest, enabling them to raise funds for the development of their activities, the donors (subject to the calculation system for real profit) the possibility of deducting the amount donated as an expense up to the limit of 2% of the company’s operating profit.
1.2. The possibility of deducting the donated amount as an expense (limited to 2% of operating profit) generates a reduction in the amount subject to the incidence of Income Tax, Income Tax and Social Contribution on Profit, allowing its donors to recover part of the donated amount .
1.3. In this way, the company that donates resources to an OSCIP can make the deduction referring to the year in which it has donated, and it is not necessary to request prior authorization from the Federal Revenue, requesting, in return, a receipt issued by OSCIP for which the entity undertakes to apply fully the resources received in the cultural activities developed by it.
2 – Donation and Tax Deduction – Legal Basis
2.1. The deductibility of donations is provided for by Provisional Measure No. 2,158-35, of August 24, 2,001, whereby the status of beneficiaries of donations was extended to OSCIPs that provide their donors with a tax incentive consistent with a discount of up to 2% of their profit operating, previously established by Law No. 9,249 / 95.
2.2. Thus, based on the legal provisions indicated above, as of the 2002 financial year, companies that donate resources to OSCIPs will have the possibility to deduct the amount donated in up to 2% of their operating profit, being understood as operating profit the result of the main or ancillary activities that constitute the object of the legal entity, benefiting, on the other hand, from the reduction of the calculation base of the taxes levied on the real profit.
Recesso de final de ano
Enviaremos os brindes adquiridos no site através das doações ate o dia 19/12/2024.
Após esta data a Casa do Cuidar entrará em recesso e voltará a enviar normalmente a partir dia 06/01/2025. Agradecemos a compreensão e desejamos boas festas. Dismiss